• FXE20HE11
  • Fig. 1
  • Fig. 2
  • Fig. 3
  • Fig. 4

Denso IXU22 Spark Plug

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Flame Growth

The photograph shows flame reflected by the variation in density. Fig. 1 shows the results of studying the influence of electrode shape on flame growth, using the Iridium Spark Plug and IRIDIUM TT.

The photographs indicate that, in the case of the Iridium Spark Plug, the size reduction of the gap (from 1.1 mm to 0.6 mm) interfered with flame growth, while in the case of IRIDIUM TT, flame growth was ample and greater than that of the Iridium Spark Plug in spite of the narrowed spark gap (0.6 mm). These observations show that, as the results of the ignition/firing simulation indicated, a fine ground electrode can reduce required voltage because it enables the spark gap to be narrower, while realizing higher ignitability than the Iridium Spark Plug.